DictionariesCS240E: Data Structures and Data Management (Enriched)David Duan, 2019 WinterMotivationDictionary ADTNaive ImplementationsBinary Search TreesOperationsAnalysisRandom BSTTreapsOperationsAnalysisAVL TreeInsertionProcedurePseudocodeRotation AnalysisRuntimeDrawbacksScapegoat()-TreeWeight -Weight-BalancedChoosing and Working with InsertionProceduresClaimRebuildAnalysisSkip ListsOperationsSearchInsert Complexity AnalysisExpected height of a skip listExpected space of a skip listExpected time for operationsConclusionSplay TreesArray-Based DictionariesFirst CaseSecond CaseSplay Trees: Adaptive BSTOperationsAmortized AnalysisHashingBasicsLoad FactorSeparate ChainingImprovementsProbingLinear ProbingQuadratic ProbingTriangular Number ProbingDouble HashingCuckoo Hashing
A dictionary is a collection of key-value-pairs (KVP) with operations
, or findElement(k)
insert(k, v)
, or insertItem(k,v)
, or removeElement(k)
We assume that each key can be stored in space and compared in time and all keys in a dictionary are distinct.
A BST is a binary tree (where each node stores a KVP) that satisfies the BST order property: key(T.left) < key(T) < key(T.right)
for all node T
In this course, deletion is not studied. Instead, we use lazy-deletion, replacing the node to be deleted with a "dummy" and keeping the overall structure unchanged. We also keep track the number of dummies, , and rebuild the entire data structure if . Note rebuild can happen only after deletions, which makes the amortized overhead for rebuilding per deletion. Since rebuild with only valid items, this can be done within time. Note that when a node is marked as "dummy", you might still want to preserve its key for comparisons.
Let denote the height of a BST. Define and when is a singleton.
Average Case Analysis
Given , we want to build a BST. Suppose the node inserted first has key .
By BST ordering principle, will in the left subtree and will in the right subtree. Thus, the left subtree has size and the right subtree has size .
Let denote the height of a BST with nodes, . Since is unknown, we take the expected value of the expression above:
Let for better notation. If lies within and (this has probability), then the size for both subarrays is bounded above by , i.e., in this case:
This is similar to our quick-select proof.
Lower Bound for Search
We can also prove the lower bound for comparison-based search using decision trees.
For a correct comparison-based search, there are possible outputs, which correspond to leaves in our decision tree. We know the minimum height for a binary tree with leaves is , so the lower bound for comparison-based search is .
Again, we could use randomization to improve the theoretical performance of BST. A random binary search tree of size is obtained in the following way: take a random permutation of , and add its elements, one by one, into a BST.
A random BST can be constructed in time (by doing insertions); in a random BST, search takes expected time.
Treap is a balanced BST, but is not guaranteed to have height as .
The idea is to use randomization and binary heap property to maintain balance with high probability. The expected time complexity for search, insert, and delete is .
Every node of a Treap maintains two values:
In short, a Treap follows both BST ordering property and max-heap ordering property.
Search(k) - Same as an ordinary BST, with complexity .
The tree rotation renders the inorder traversal of the tree invariant. For more details, check out rotation section on AVL tree.
Note that, because of rebalancing rotations, Treaps hide insertion orders.
Treaps don't guarantee a small height, but if the priorities are chosen uniformly on random, then .
An AVL Tree is a BST with an additional height-balance property: the heights of the left subtree and the right subtree differ by at most . In other words, we require , where means the tree is left-heavy, means the tree is balanced, and means the tree is right-heavy. An AVL tree on nodes has height and can preform search, insert and delete at in the worst case.
Every node of a Treap maintains two values:
It can be shown that it suffices to store at each node, which may save some space but the code gets more complicated.
AVL-search takes just as ordinary BSTs. We cover AVL-insertion extensively.
​x1AVL-insert(r, k, v)
2r: root of the tree
3(k, v): KVP to insert
51. z <- BST-insert(r, k, v)
62. z.height <- 0
73. while (z is not the root)
84. z <- parent of z
95. if (|z.left.height - z.right.height| > 1) then
106. let y be the taller child of z (break ties arbitrarily)
117. let x be the taller child of y (break ties to prefer left-left or right-right)
128. z <- restructure(x) // see rotation
139. break
1411. setHeightFromSubtrees(z)
21. if u is not an empty subtree
32. u.height <- 1 + max(u.left.height, u.right.height)
There are many different BSTs with the same keys. Our goal is to change the structure among these three nodes without breaking BST order property, so that the subtree becomes balanced.
21. newRoot <- current.left
32. current.left <- newRoot.right
43. newRoot.right <- current
54. setHeightFromSubtrees(current), setHeightFromSubtrees(newRoot)
65. return newRoot
21. newRoot <- current.right
32. current.right <- newRoot.left
43. newRoot.left <- current
54. setHeightFromSubtrees(current), setHeightFromSubtrees(newRoot)
65. return newRoot
21. current.left <- rotate-left(current.left)
32. newRoot <- rotate-right(current)
43. return newRoot
21. current.right <- rotate-right(current.right)
32. newRoot <- rotate-left(current)
43. return newRoot
2x: node of a BST that has a grandparent, i.e., the lowest node in (x, y, z) triple.
40. let y and z be the parent and grandparent of x
51. switch:
82. y => return rotate-right(z)
123. y => return rotate-left-right(z)
164. y => return rotate-right-left(z)
205. y => return rotate-right(z)
As a remark, the middle key of becomes the new root.
AVL-search takes as usual.
Claim. If an AVL-tree after insertion is unbalanced at , then this rotation makes subtree of balanced and reduces its height.
Thus, AVL-insert takes overall:
A scapegoat tree is a self-balancing BST that provides amortized insertion, height, and no rotation involved.
Instead of small incremental rebalancing operations used by most balanced tree algorithms, scapegoat trees rarely but expensively choose "scapegoat" and completely rebuild the subtree rooted at the scapegoat into a complete binary tree. Thus, scapegoat trees have worst-case update performance.
Recall that a BST is said to be weight-balanced if half of the nodes are on the left of the root and half on the right. An -weight-balanced node is defined as meeting a relaxed weight balance criterion:
A BST that is -weight-balanced must also be -height-balanced, that is,
By contraposition, a tree that is not -height-balanced is not -weight balanced.
Scapegoat trees are not guaranteed to keep -weight-balance at all times, but are always loosely -height-balanced in that
Claim. If the insertion path has height , then there exists some node on that path satisfying .
Proof. We show the contrapositive. Assume for all . Then
Thus, .
Let be the highest node with . Rebuild the tree at . Afterwards, we get for all nodes on path. After a complete rebuild, remove tokens at and all its descendents.
We show the amortized time for insertion is using potential function.
Assume constant so big (i.e., largest in all -expressions) that
Let and define . Then
Amortized time of insertion without rebuild:
Amortized time of insertion with rebuild:
It can be shown that the number of token at is at least .
A skip list allows search complexity as well as insertion complexity within an ordered sequence of elements. Thus it can get the best of array (for searching) while maintaining a linked list-like structure that allows insertion, which is not possible in an array.
Fast search is made possible by maintaining a linked hierarchy of subsequences, with each successive subsequence skipping over fewer elements than the previous one. Searching starts in the sparsest subsequence until two consecutive elements have been found, one smaller and one larger than or equal to the element searched for. Via the linked hierarchy, these two elements link to elements of the next sparsest subsequence, where searching is continued until finally we are searching in the full sequence. The elements that are skipped are usually chosen probabilistically.
Remark: This is not really a search, but a find-me-the-path-of-the-predecessors.
101skip-search(L, k)
2L: skiplist; k: key to be searched
31. p <- topmost left node of L
42. P <- stack of nodes, initially containing p
53. while below(p) != null do
64. p <- below(p)
75. while key(after(p)) < k do
86. p <- after(p)
97. push p onto P
108. return P
Keep going right (line ) until the next key on the current level is no smaller than . Go down a level and repeat.
.Randomly repeatedlly toss a coin until you get tails. Let be the number of times the coin came up heads; this will be the height of the tower of .
Increase height of skip list, if needed, to have levels.
Search for with skip-search(S, k)
to get stack . The top items of are the predecessors of where should be in each list .
Insert after in , and after in for .
Let be a random variable denoting the height of tower of key .
Recall that the height of tower of key equals the , the number of coin tosses resulted in heads before the first tail, thus:
Expected value of :
Expected value of height of the skip list:
The result gets messy. Instead, we'll prove something related to this:
Plug in (the smallest number that makes a point), we see that:
Hence, the height of a skip list is at with high probability. This roughly means that the expected height of the skip list is .
The space of a skip list is proportional to , size plus all the tower heights.
The expected space of a skip list is proportional to
The number of drop-downs .
The number of forward-steps gets messier, so we use a different approach.
Consider the search path and its reverse . We want to find : I stopped here, how long does it take for me to go back to the beginning?
Let be the top layer, which equals to the height of the skip list. Define to be the expected number of steps to get to some node on on layer . (Looking at some node at some height, we want to know what is the length of from this node to the beginning.)
Note that probability is involved to compute . For example, getting to the left XXX takes 1 step but the right one takes 2 steps:
Here is the recursive formula:
: the top layer only has two sentinels; we start at the and never get to .
Thus, time for search is .
Conclusion: the expected time for search and insert (and delete) inside skip list is .
Why do we use skip lists?
We now present possibly the best implementation for dictionaries. In reality, requests for certain keys are much more frequent, so we want to tailor the dictionaries so that we can complete those requests faster.
We study two scenarios:
To store items in an array and make accesses efficient, we would want to put the items with high probability of access at the beginning and items with low probability of access at the end. In other words, we "sort" the array with access probability in descending order.
51item with lowest probability
3[ array ]
5item with highest probability
We define the following terms:
Access: just search, not inserting.
Access-probability: number of access to item divided by total number of accesses.
Access-cost: cost to retrieve item during search, which, in a linear search (starting left), equals .
Claim For all possible static ordering, the one that sorts items by non-increasing access probability minimizes the expected access cost. (Easy to prove).
If we do not know the access probabilities at design time, we need an adaptive data structure, which updates itself upon being used.
MTF Array Upon searching, move the searched item to the front. This has worst case (when we keep searching for the last item).
Transpose Array Instead of moving all the way to the front, we only do one swap. This still has worst case.
MTF does not work well with BSTs, as rotating leaf elements makes the BST to degrade into linked lists. We use more complicated tree rotations that do not unbalance the tree.
A splay tree is a self-optimizing BST, where after each search, the searched item is brought up two levels (using rotations as AVLs).
Search/Insert: as in BST, then use rotations as in AVLs.
We want to show that a search/insertion has amortized cost .
Define the potential function , where is a node in the tree and is the size of the subtree with root at . Define the "rank" of , , i.e., .
Actual Time (Overall)
The actual time of search/insert (in term of time units) is one plus the number of rotations.
Amortized Time for One Rotation
We show that the amortized time for one rotation is at most (plus 1 for single rotations, which we don't care), where is the node we inserted or searched, and are the rank () of subtree at before and after the rotation.
The actual time for one rotation is easy: two for zig-zig/zig-zag and one for a single rotation.
For potential difference, let be the parent of , be the grandparent of . Then
Only subtrees of the three nodes involved in rotation changed, so
Before rotation, measures the entire (sub)tree, whereas after rotation, measures the same thing. Thus, and cancel each other:
We can also bound from above: before rotation, so
Detour: Recall denotes the size of subtree with root after rotation, so as RHS measures the size of entire (sub)tree. By concavity of logarithm,
Back to main:
Recall actual time for a rotation is 2. Hence, the amortized for zig-zig/zig-zag is:
Amortized Time (Overall)
Now, for two consecutive rotations, the end place of the first rotation equals the start place of the second, i.e., , so terms cancel out:
Splay trees need no extra space beyond BST; insert and search take amortized time; very good (possibly the best) implementation for dictionaries.
And finally, we have hashing.
A hash function maps a key to an integer. A uniform hash functions produces each output with equal possibility. The most common one is the modular hash function for some prime . We store a dictionary in a hash table -- an array of size ; an item with key should be stored in .
Since is finite, many keys may get mapped to the same integer: if we insert into the table but is already occupied, then we get a collision. In this section, we explore strategies to resolve collisions.
We evaluate strategies by the cost of operations, which is done in term of the load factor . We keep small by rehashing when needed:
The simplest idea is to use an array of linked-lists.
When , rebuild the entire data structure.
Instead of having external data structure to keep multiple items stored at the same location (chaining), we could use open addressing, so that all elements are stored in the hash table itself. There are two main strategies for open addressing:
Each hash table entry holds one item, but any key may go in multiple locations. A probe sequence is a sequence of possible locations for key . Insert
and Search
follow this probe sequence until one empty spot is found (for insertion) or the item is found/DNE (for search).
Suppose we have a function which can give us a probe sequence if we feed it Then search
and insert
operations are intuitive.
We use two uncorrelated hash functions that map keys into , so the probe sequence is . Note that should never be , otherwise we are stuck in an infinite loop. Also the output of should not divide or have a common divisor, so we don't miss any hash table entry.
We have two hash functions , and two hash tables and . We maintain the invariant key is always at or . Then search
and delete
are trivial and take time but insert
has to pay the price.